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A Happy Child

A Happy Child

K. Adirai

Learning English in Fun Ways.....                          CBSE, English, Class 1, Unit 1                                                           

Prior Knowledge :

  • Children are able to identify expressions and colours around them

Learning Objectives : 

English : Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing

  • To build on learners readiness to listening and speaking English, by involving them in tasks like singing rhymes.
  • Become visually familiar with  written text and use drawing as a precursor to writing.
  • Build a working proficiency in the language by enriching vocabulary.
  • Follow simple instructions and use formulaic expressions.
  • Naming the members of their family.

Learning Resources:

  • Smileys, work sheets, pictures charts, sight words chart, coloured balls and finger puppets


Teacher Initiative 1: The teacher makes students play a game “Colour colour what colour do you choose” (asks the students to touch the objects by saying the names of the colours as they  touch  it).  As  an  example,  teacher shows students how to do it by going and touching the colours herself.

E.g : Teacher “Go and touch the objects which is red in colour.”

Students Activities: Students touch the various objects according to the teacher's instruction.

Teacher Initiative 2: The teacher makes some expressions like laughing, crying and asks the students to identify it. The teacher sings the poem in tune and ensures that the students enjoy listening.

Student Activities: The students identify the expression and say it in their own language. Happy … Sad…..

The students sing and recite the poem along with the teacher.

Assessment : The teacher checks and corrects the students' responses and assesses their participation and enjoyment.


Teacher Initiative: The teacher shows some pictures from the text and asks the students to identify the expression and tell it in their own language. The teacher then gives the corresponding equivalent in English. (using picture chart)

Students Activities: Students identify the pictures by seeing the picture chart with the help of the teacher. Students learn vocabulary by seeing the picture chart.

Assessment : The teacher assesses whether the students are visually familiar with the text by asking them to draw the picture words in the poem using pencil.


Teacher Initiative 1 : The teacher makes the children familiar with frequently used words, which cannot be visualized through pictures, by sight word charts and oral drill.

Student Activity: Students identify the words and read along with the teacher.

Note to teachers: The children may not do it initially. They will first read two or three letter words and gradually move on to four or five letter words. If the chart is left hanging on the wall the children may constantly see it and become familiarwith it

Teacher Initiative 2 : The teacher reads the poem and helps the students read the poem with the help of the text that they have coloured and pictures they have drawn in the explore and explain stage.

Student initiative: Students read the words that they already know from the picture chart and sight word chart and the process of reading begins here.

Assessment :

A. The teacher assesses whether the students are visually familiar with the text by asking them to colour the words in the poem using crayons.

B. The teacher checks the reading ability and pronunciation of the words in the worksheet.


Teacher Initiative1 : Speaking skills

The teacher helps students frame sentences like:

  • I have a red pen.
  • I am a girl

By using it regularly in class, students become familiar with framing simple sentences.

Student Activities: The students follow teacher's instructions and frames many more sentences like:

  • I have a blue pen
  • I am a boy

Assessment: The teacher assesses the students understanding by creating situations for them to use in class.

Text book activity : From the text book, teacher asks the students to circle the kinds of houses they have seen. She then asks them to draw their house in their drawing notebook and talk about it. The teacher divides the class into four groups namely 1. Red 2. Yellow 3. Blue 4.Green and asks them to draw one picture each of a hut, igloo, bungalow and apartment given in their books and colour them. The students are then asked to make the different types of houses using cardboard boxes.

Vocabulary Development

Student initiative: Students follow teacher's instructions and make different kinds of houses using low cost materials and also draw and talk about their house.

Teacher Initiative 2: The teacher reinforces the colours identified in the engage stage through colour ball activity, where the students are shown balls of different colours and asked to identify. Simple sentences are framed here.

Student initiative: The students observe and identify the colour.

Teacher Initiative 3: Identifying and naming family members using finger puppets. 

The finger puppets can easily be made with instructions give in the sheet attached. The finger puppets serve dual purpose, the faces help students identify their family members. The expression on the face helps them rearticulate the facial expressions. The teacher helps them make finger puppets of father, mother, sister/brother, grandfather and grandmother.

Student initiative: Students make finger puppets with the help of the teacher (father, mother, sister/brother, grandfather and grandmother).

Teacher Initiative 4: The teacher makes the students trace on the dotted line 1 to 6, a, b, c and complete the monkey's tail. 

Student initiative: Children complete the taks of joining the dotted lines and complete the monkey's tail as a precursor to writing.


Teacher Initiative: The teacher says some situations and asks them to draw and say how they feel.

Ex: 1. When you get a new dress


      2. When you get hurt?


Student Activities: The students listen and understand the situation and draw and explain how they feel.



Teacher initiative:

  • The teacher asks children to read and colour the known words in the worksheet.
  • The teacher asks children to colour the picture in the worksheet [worksheet]
  • The teacher asks to trace along the maze using different colours and join animals with their babies.

Student initiative: The students read and colours the known words in the worksheets. The students colour the worksheet

Ex : 1 . The green tree

2. The red house

The students observe and trace along the maze using different colours and joins animals with their babies


  • The teacher helps students make a smiley and asks them to show the smiley corresponding to a particular situation. This helps assess the students understanding of expressions.
  • The teacher tests the reading ability of the students.
  • The teacher evaluates the students' knowledge about colours.
  • The teacher asks them to say the names of animals and its babies.

Home assignment:

  1. Draw a face in the circle given in the textbook.
  2. Stick the pictures of a cat, a  cow,  a  dog, and a sheep in the textbook.

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Term: Term 1


Namrata rathi's picture
Namrata rathi

I love this foundation I mean lesson plans are so good thank you so much !!!!