Towards a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society

Smart Charts

Learning objectives 

  • Collects and records data. 
  • Represents the data in tabular form or bar graph. 
  • Represents fractions through chapatti chart or pie chart. 
  • Draws conclusion and inferences from the data. 
  • Solves simple problems using charts/data/graphs and picture 

Duration: 2 classes 

Class 1 

  • Collects and records data. 
  • Represents the data in tabular form or bar graph. 
  • Represents fractions through chapatti chart or pie chart. 


In this activity, the teacher should a question like “how many children have one pencil with them?”, “How many children have more than one?” and “How many do not have a pencil?” 

With the answers given by the students, both bar charts and pie charts can be constructed using the blackboard.  


Worksheet for constructing bar chart and pie chart 

Class 2 

Draws conclusion and inferences from the data. 

Solves simple problems using charts/data/graphs and picture 


The teacher gives the scenario, by showing a pie chart in which the most liked sports are illustrated. The discussion should proceed with a series of statements to know whether the statement is either true or false. 


  • Football is the most liked sports. 
  • Volleyball is liked by more number of people than basketball 
  • Cricket is the most liked sports. 


Worksheet/ Assessment 

Worksheet for recounting the bar graph construction is given. 


Primary Maths

Term: Term 3