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Growing as a Teacher

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge’ - Albert Einstein

Teaching is an art, and the teacher needs to keep refining her art as she/he learns something new every day in the classroom. Learning is a continuous process in teaching profession.

In education, the term ‘professional development’ may be used in reference to a wide variety of specialized training.  It intends to help teachers improve their professional knowledge, competency, skill and effectiveness.

Ultimately, professional development matters, because it is an ongoing process throughout a teacher’s career; it prepares her for the constantly changing classroom and provides rich opportunities for her to continue to develop her teaching skills and subject matter knowledge.

Teaching is an art of sharing the knowledge we have gained from others, with a hope that someday in some way it will further be passed on.

Teaching is not about answering questions but raising them; we have to open the doors of our children’s imagination to places that they would not imagine otherwise. We should  show them where to look for something but not specifically what to see. In fact, learning is finding out what we already know, doing is demonstrating that we know it. The role of teachers is to remind others that they know just as well as them.

Let us always be learners, doers and teachers.

Once, a successful student of a teacher said, “My teacher thought that I was smarter than what I was, so now I am. ”

“Only we teachers…

Learn with our kids every day!

Only we teachers…

Grow with our kids every day!

Only we teachers …

Succeed every time with our kids!

It’s not  just a profession, it’s a boon!

Proud to be a teacher!

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Perspective Type: 
Teacher as Reflective Practitioner