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Can we share

Grade 3 – Can we share? 

Lesson concept: Division 


  • Multiplication using repeated addition 
  • Multiplication using symbols 
  • Introduction of division through equal grouping 

Learning objectives: 

  1. Understanding multiplication as repeated addition 
  2. Identifying the symbols of multiplication 
  3. Recalling multiplication tables 
  4. Dividing given objects into equal groups and describing the process 

Duration: 2 days 

Day 1 

  1. Understanding multiplication as repeated addition 
  2. Identifying the symbols of multiplication 


  • Creating arrays using objects (Both the learning objectives are being met here) 
  • The objective of the activity is to create objects, such as marbles, arrange them in arrays of different sizes, and explore the aspects of multiplication in it. 
  • The teacher should demonstrate the arrangement of an array for the multiplication of two numbers (e.g., 2 x 3)  
  • After that, the students should be shown the prepared flash cards having different multiplication combinations, and they should be asked to arrange the objects in different combinations. 
  • The teacher should initiate a discussion with the students to explore both the aspects of the arrangement of the array, such as repeated addition and multiplication (how to represent the array in numbers through addition and multiplication) 

Verbal activity 

Clapping activity should be done to reinforcing the words, such as “multiply” and “பெருக்கல்” (in Tamil) 


The students should record the activity in their worksheets. 


The assessment sheet for the day’s activity is attached with this document. 


  • Flash cards 
  • Beads/seeds 


Figure 1: Assessment for Day 1 


Figure 2: Worksheet for Day 1 

Day 2 

  1. Recalling multiplication tables 
  2. Dividing given objects into equal groups and describing the process 


Activity 1: A quick recalling of the multiplication tables should be done using flash cards. The teacher should use a printed flash card with multiplication grid and discuss the various combinations of multiples in the class. 

Activity 2: Verbal reinforcement of the words “division” and “multiplication” using flash cards and while doing the clapping activity. The students should be asked to clap their hands while spelling out each of the letters of the words “division” and “multiplication”, and they should also be familiarized with the symbol of division.  

Activity 3: In this activity, the students should be taught about equal grouping. For this,the teacher should divide the students in groups and provide them with threads and beads. The students should then be made to divide the given beads in equal groups and arrange the threads around those groups. The corresponding worksheet should be given for recording the activity.  

The teacher should discuss with the students about the operation that needs to be used for this activity and the symbol for the operation. 


Worksheet to record the activity is attached with the document. 


The assessment sheet for the day’s activity is attached with the document. 


  • Multiplication tables flash card 
  • Threads and beads 


Figure 3: Multiplication Table Card


Figure 4: Worksheet for day 2


Figure 5: Assessment for Day 2


Primary Maths

Term: Term 3