Towards a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society

Where to Look From

Look the world in different angle

K.James Kumar

Lesson Objectives:
• Identify 2-D shapes.
• Understand the concept of outlines.
• Understand the different views of an object like front, top, side and back view.
Pre-requisite Knowledge:
• Names of the shapes like rectangle, triangle, square etc.,
• Knowledge of straight lines and curves.

Materials Required:
• Worksheets
• Stickers
• Charts and colors
Warm up game: Tea Vada Dosa
This game is to improve the eye-hand coordination. I uttered one word and acted out another word to confuse the children, e.g. I said stand but i sat. Children have to follow the instruction and not my actions. This also helps to build alertness in them.
Build on prior knowledge
Drawing my hand

Children are divided into three groups by counting 1, 2, and 3 and then made to sit in a circle. Each child is given a paper and is asked to draw his/her own palm. Students should place their palm on the paper and draw the outline. This will help them understand what an outline is. Students may be allowed to color it as well. During this activity, students drew the outline of their palm joyfully. Then they asked me whose outline was good. It is very easy for children to trace their hands, almost all were able to do it. After this, children looked at their outlines and compared it with their hands.

Drawing objects
Students are asked to draw the outline of the objects that they find inside and outside the classroom. Objects like leaves, stones, pencils and erasers were chosen. During this processsome of the students completed their outlinevery quickly as they had chosen small objects. A few students approached me to help them hold the object as they had chosen big leaves.


Student artefact 1: Student had drawn picture of objects found in surrounding

Here coloring is not actually insisted but the students were eager to do it and colored their outlines. Students then compared their outlines with others.

Pasting the stickers on the outline

A chart is given to the students, which contains the outline of a few objects like book, table, car, flower etc., and they are given a few stickers of the objects. Students find out which outline matches which sticker. After finding it, students will paste the sticker on the correct outline.

Drawing different views of an object
I gave picture cards and asked students to tell me


                     Student artefacts 3: Different view of objects.

Student artefact 4: Misrepresentation of side view by student

what view it is (top, side, front or back). Most of  them were able to answer. Then I asked them to draw a particular object or a bird as it is seen from the different angles. A few students were able to understand and represent the object in two different views. Some students had understood that in different angles, the entire object would not be seen. Such an understanding had led a child to draw half of the object. Some students had understood the concept but  have had difficulty in representing it.
Coloring the correct view

Student artefact 5: Identifying and coloring specific view which it is drawn.
In this activity students were able to label the different sides but made mistakes while trying to identify the view. The pictures must be carefullychosen such that it is easy for them to identify the view and avoid creating a misconception in them.

Student artefact 6: common mistake made by students


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Primary Maths

Term: Term 1