Towards a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society

Let's observe animals

Purpose of this project

  • To generate curiosity towards the animals they see every day.
  • To refine the habit of observation and make students realize its importance.
  • To appreciate nature and the environment around us.

Project details

Take any of the common animals like –

Ant (எறும்பு)

Lizard (பல்லி)

Spider (சிலந்தி)

Sparrow (சிட்டுக்குருவி)

Squirrel (அணில்)

Crow (காக்கை)

Cockroach (கரப்பான்பூச்சி)

Centipede (பூரான்)

Millipede (மரவட்டை)

Dragon fly (தும்பி)

Earthworm (மண்புழு)

Ant lion (குழிப்பண்ணி)

Observe them for two weeks for its population, food habit, habitats and any special behaviour.

  • Divide students into groups.
  • Each group must select one animal of their choice. If the class strength is low, each student can select and observe one animal (Teachers can guide)
  • Identify the spot in/near your house and school to observe the selected animal.
  • Count the number of animals.
  • Observing and recording the sounds that animal produce. Eg. An animal produces different sounds in different situations – during hunting, eating, alarm, etc.
  • Identifying its habitat.
  • Observing any peculiar behaviour during nesting, hunting, feeding, etc.
  • Photo documentation/drawing – animal, habitat, food they eat.


  • Profiling the observed animals (Find the Animal profile attached)
  • Share and discuss all the animal profiles in the classroom



Term: Term 1