Towards a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society

Time Goes On

Grade: 3                                                                                                                       

Theme: Time

Lesson number: 7

Lesson name: Time Goes On

Learning Objectives:

  • Read a calendar to find a particular day and date.
  • Read the time correctly.
  • Sequence the events chronologically.
  • Ordering the dates, sequencing events, reading and writing time.

Find my place game

Teacher prepares cards showing different months, seasons, seasonal fruits, festivals, national holidays, etc., and gives it to the students. They can classify it as they wish i.e.  if they want to group them as months, seasons, fruits and/or festivals because they will be given all the cards together. The main objective of this activity is to recall the seasons and months which they had learned in class II.

When the teacher calls out a month, students need to pick four cards related to that month and place it in the grid. Then, in the next round the teacher can call out a season. Now students should place four cards on the grid related to that season. For example, if the teacher says monsoon, then students may select cards such as October, Gandhi Jayanthi, umbrella and if any of the group member is having birthday in that month, they can place a birthday card also. Once they finish, they should say 'time goes on.

'Birthday timeline of ours' Or 'timeline of our birthdays '

Teacher asks the children to write their birthdays in a card. Let them do it very colorfully and artistically. For example, every student should write their birthday in this format 30th January 2011 and pin their birthday badge on their shirts. Then ask them to form a timeline starting from the oldest to the youngest student.

Ask them to tell the class “My birthday is on …” “My birthday is before …” “Birthdays in the month of October are …”

This activity will lead to actual learning of ordering of the dates. Once they learn which date comes before and which comes after, they will learn sequencing of the dates. Teacher has an important role in facilitating the children. Because while doing this, students will encounter many misconceptions such as they may think 2011 is greater than 2010. So, it doesn't refer to the number but, the time.

Review of this session: Teacher will check how children have made a timeline starting from the oldest to the youngest in the class. Now, teacher will go from year, month and dates to make it in order. After this game, teacher will ask students to write all the students birth dates in the board then, she will ask them to make it in order in their notebooks.


Teacher will ask students to draw their own life-line story and narrate it with pictures. For example, teacher will ask students to write a few things/ events from their life such as when they joined school, date of relatives visited, important function/event at home etc. then students will draw a life-line story in their note book. Finally, teacher will check children's notebooks to assess students understanding.

Model of Life Line

Time goes on Run! Run! Run!

In this activity, teacher is introducing a clock and how to read time from a clock. She takes them to the school ground and draws the face of a clock on the ground. Then, she marks numbers as in a clock's face and draws the long hand pointing towards 12.

Make 12 students to stand outside the clock facing inwards against each number from 1 -12. Now assign one student as the runner. The runner goes around the clock’s face saying, 'time goes on run, run, run'.   He/She stops against any number and says, 'time points at 3’. As soon as the runner says that, the student standing against 3 should come and catch the runner. Meanwhile that runner should come and occupy the place 3. At once all the students should say 'the time is three and clap three times.

This activity helps students to understand that when the long hand points to 12 and the short hand shows a number then, it indicates the hour. The same game can be played to learn the theme 'half past'.

Now change the position of long hand to 6. And now the runner comes and stands in between two numbers for example say 3 and 4, then the students should say that the time is half past 3. Make sure that the children should run in the clock-wise direction only.

Review of this session: Here, teacher will give a number to check students understanding i.e. hours and minutes. If a student makes a mistake, he/she will get a chance to be a runner. After that she/he will discuss with children and ask questions.

  • If student stands between any number what will be the time?
  • If student points at 5 (or any number), then what is the time in the clock?

Practice time: teacher gives worksheets of reading calendar, reading time, marking time for practice.

(Click above thumbnail to download)

Worksheet: Draw hands of the clock based on time given.   

Drawing & Discussion

Teacher will ask students to create different models of clock to attract children to get interested in learning time i.e. hours and minutes. Teacher will observe how children are doing and will guide those who need help.

Different Models of Clocks


Term: Term 2

Primary Maths

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